Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What We Can Do to Reduce Math Anxiety

We've had articles about math anxiety before and now realize that reseach has discovered that math anxiety appears earlier than we thought.  This article describes math anxiety and symptoms that we can observe.  Interestingly, it is socially acceptable to say, "I'm not a math person."  Can you imagine a person saying, " I have poor literacy skills!"  Teacher behavior plays into math anxiety too and we need to provide better supports for our teachers so that math is integrated into daily routines. 
             Don't miss the video as this patient teacher works with a 7 year old who then writes an "equation" showing what she did.  Note that the teacher uses the word, "equation." and is implementing algebraic thinking with a 7 year old girl. 

Please share with your colleagues what you have done in your classes to reduce math anxiety.  Use the comments section below.

Anxiety Attack: Conquering the Fear of Math.  Dr. Rose Vukovic and Rachel Harari. 3.7.13. SchoolBook- [news, data and conversations about schools in New York City]

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