Monday, December 15, 2014

How Student-centered is My Class?

We all have different ways and options to teach our students especially in how to use the new "stuff." Instead of focusing on methods and "stuff" we should focus our questions on how best to enhance the student's learning. Author, George Cource asks a few reflective questions which are questions for you also.   Cource expands on each.
  1. Would I want to be a learner in my own classroom?
  2. What is this student's passion?
  3. What are some ways that we can create a true learning community?
  4. How does this work for our students?
The author points out every teacher's dream...."After their time with us and have a deeper understanding of how they learn, they will be able to continuously grow after our time with them."

5 Critical Questions for the Innovative Educator.  George Cource. 12.14.14. Connected Principals

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