This excellent article has embedded resources that help parents understand the expectations of Common Core. For our purposes I found the link to the guides by grade level, available by pdf downloadable in English and Spanish. These printable 2 page flyers are also excellent for all parents of Title I Students. The Spanish version would be great for parents of Spanish-speaking ELLs. The guides are brief, understandable and to the point. Here's the link to the PTA Parent Guides
Another very helpful website for parents of ELL students is Colorin Colorado
An aside project: All of us in Title I should produce an easy to understand explanation of MAP test scores, but the project is on hold because some schools are already using the MAP test and the students will be tested twice.
Any ideas?
Educating ELL Families on Common-Core Standards. Lesli Maxwell. 9.19.12 Education Week - Learning the Language.