Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Can We Help Our Introverted Students in Title I?

We teachers love stimulating discussion, collaborative teamwork with students actively engaged in our lessons.  After all we're trying to adapt our lessons to meet  the 21st Century skills in Common Core.  So what do we do with that reserved, very shy  student who rarely responds and doesn't particate in collaborate work with other students?  These are our introverts.  Can we change them?  Do we want to change them? 

"Marti Olsen Laney, Psy.D., makes the case that the brain chemistry in introverts is markedly different than that of extroverts. In short, processing pathways in introverts are longer and more complex than the pathways found in extroverts, thus it takes them longer to process information, which causes a problem in our schools."

We live in a extrovert-dominant world and forget to provide the environment needed for introverts.  One answer seems to lie in the internet - an ideal space needed for them to learn and freedom to explore.  Collaboration with others can be done alone in collective creations and sharing opportunities.

Note:  There are a couple of embedded links that offer more background and information about introverted students.
Very interesting.  What have you done to help your shy introverted students?  Share your ideas with your colleagues.

Embracing Introversion:  Ways to Stimulate Reserved Students in the Classroom. Tony Baldasaro. 9.10.12 Edutopia- What Works in Education.
(Scroll down the webpage to the article.)  http://www.edutopia.org/blog/introverted-students-in-classroom-tony-baldasaro

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