Saturday, April 12, 2014

Scaffolding Your Lessons

Rebecca Alber, author of this article presents six scaffolding strategies you can use with your students.  Without scaffolding most of your students will be fumbling and guessing what you want them to do, regardless of the content.  "Scaffolding" and "Differentiation" are often confused.  Scaffolding is what you do before students work, breaking down the task into chunks, providing an understandable structure for students to use. Differentiation, on the other hand, is a completely different approach....perhaps using a different text, or altering a writing assignment that might follow.....tasks that a child can do successfully. Both require a good understanding of students.
     You may have tried some of the scaffolding strategies yourself, but others you may not have tried.  It's always good to remind ourselves of these powerful techniques, familiar or not.  It is just plain good teaching which is what this blog is all about.

6 Scaffolding Strategies to Use with Your Students.  Rebecca Alber. 1.24.14. Edutopia

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