Friday, January 30, 2015

Brain Science Helps Explain Some Struggling Readers

There are multiple reasons why people, young and old, are struggling readers.  I'm sure you can name some of these people.  I do have some issue with the word "struggling" which to me infers that there is a "battle" or at least a  serious, unsuccessful attempt to improve.  Many adult dyslectics have discovered other means to learn and communicate and yet have successful lives.  Think of the late Steve Jobs, as one example.
However, in education we have teachers and instructional leaders who can help struggling readers while they are still young.  As you read the following article you'll understand more about our brains work in the reading process.  Brain science helps educators not only to understand but to help retrain brains so that students who struggle can become successful readers.

Inside the brain of a struggling reader.  Martha Burns. 02.2015 issue.  DA District Administration.

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