Thursday, August 30, 2012

What Are The Math Instructional Shifts All About?

The most important part of this article is the video by David Coleman, co-author of CCSS. This is one video not to be missed!  He explains the 6 shifts in more detail which are....   (video also appeared in another post)
  1. Focus: fewer topics covered in greater depth
  2. Coherence: connect learning within and across grades
  3. Fluency: perform mathematics with speed and accuracy
  4. Understanding: use mathematics in complex situations
  5. Application: know when and how applying math can solve a problem
  6. Dual Intensity: achieve fluency and conceptual understanding/application
As you listened to David Coleman, what struck you as important?  What struck you as being difficult to achieve in our Title I context, meeting with students 2 hours per week?  How can conferencing with classroom teachers help you to implement at least one of these shifts?
Please express your questions/concerns in your Comments below.  They will be taken seriously and will be part of the discussion of the math team this year.

Common Core State Standards:  Math Instructional Shifts.  David Ginsburg. 6.30.12.  Education Week Teacher

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