This must-read article explains how digital media is affecting American youth. Kathy Davis got the opportunity to work with Howard Gardner, best known for his theory of multiple intelligences. Their project focused on apps. Davis and Gardner authored the book, The App Generation: How Today’s Youth Navigate Identity, Intimacy and Imagination in a Digital World. Many students do not take the necessary "downtime" to reflect, take a walk, think about what happened and what might happen next. What was noted, however, is the increased creativity in the visual arts, but which declined in language arts.
Is the 'App Mentality' Killing Students' Creativity? Frank DiMaria 6.16.15. THE Journal, Transforming Education through Technology
This blog selects ideas and teaching strategies to improve student attitude, motivation, and achievement.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
We're Not Ready to Teach ELLs Effectively
We know large numbers of immigrant students from many countries are coming to the U.S., yet we are ill-prepared to teach them effectively. A number of reasons come to mind & this article doesn't include them all. Bi-lingual teachers spend a lot of time preparing lessons in the students' native language. The Council of the Great City Schools have started a project with experts and educational publishers to develop better instructional materials. It's being tested this spring but won't be ready for wider distribution until 2016.
This article was produced by The Hechinger Report, a non-profit news organization focusing on inequality and innovation in education. This topic is extremely important because ELLs are expected to meet the rigor of Common Core expectations just like native speaking students.
Note: Reproduction of this story is not permitted.
For teachers of English learners, Common Core means double the work. Margaret Ramirez. 6.16.15. The Hechinger Report
This article was produced by The Hechinger Report, a non-profit news organization focusing on inequality and innovation in education. This topic is extremely important because ELLs are expected to meet the rigor of Common Core expectations just like native speaking students.
Note: Reproduction of this story is not permitted.
For teachers of English learners, Common Core means double the work. Margaret Ramirez. 6.16.15. The Hechinger Report
Read Aloud Project for K-2nd Graders
Kindergarten teacher, Jamie Landahl, tells us about how she has used the Read Aloud Project in her school, North Las Vegas Duncan Elementary School. The project is appropriate for children in K-2nd grades. The project focuses on building student comprehension and vocabulary by enhancing read alouds with activities. The following article describes the method which involves 30 minutes a day for a week. Results? Amazing....She describes her kids as coming to Kindergarten not knowing how to hold a pencil. At the end of the year, her students answered questions and were able to write complete sentences. Excellent article.
Program challenges, improves listening comprehension in Kindergarten through second-graders. Sandy Lopez. 6.14.15. Las Vegas Review-Journal
Program challenges, improves listening comprehension in Kindergarten through second-graders. Sandy Lopez. 6.14.15. Las Vegas Review-Journal
Forming Positive Relationships With Students-- Easy Things You Can Do
Student learning in your classroom depends on relationships you have made with your students. All the strategies in the world will not be effective unless your students believe in you. Establishing good rapport is easier than you might believe. The following article is excellent and if you do them you'll find an amazing difference.
4 easy ways to form positive relationships with students. Josh Strumppenhorst. 6.9.15. eSchoolNews
4 easy ways to form positive relationships with students. Josh Strumppenhorst. 6.9.15. eSchoolNews
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Four- Brain Engagement Using Technology
Author, Joli Barker, gives us excellent tips to engage students in deeper reading of complex text. Her premise is that active minds need to adapt, negotiate, problem solve and produce. She urges teachers to allow students to explore in four-brain based areas. Each are is explained and examples are given.
Tech Tip Engage students in deeper learner. Joli Barker. 6.2.15. SmartBlog on Education
Tech Tip Engage students in deeper learner. Joli Barker. 6.2.15. SmartBlog on Education
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Excellent Virtual Field Trips For Your Students
I've posted a few articles on field trips and I know you value the experiences for your students. While there are countless examples - actual and virtual - it may be difficult for you to make excellent choices. Meris Stansbury, associate editor of eSchool News gives you a list of 10 wonderful virtual field trips that will help build useful lessons that engage students to learn more. I particularly like those that contribute to the 21st Century Skill, "global awareness." So many of our students understand the world around them but are ignorant of other lands and world issues.
Explore these virtual sites and I'm sure you'll find several that fit into your curriculum.
Ten of the best virtual field trips. Meris Stansbury, 4.7.13. eSchoolNews
Explore these virtual sites and I'm sure you'll find several that fit into your curriculum.
Ten of the best virtual field trips. Meris Stansbury, 4.7.13. eSchoolNews
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
How to Give Feedback to Students More Effectively
We hope that the feedback we give to students will help them in the future with similar assignments. What ;happens when you don't see that occurring? Perhaps it is the way you give feedback in the first place. The author of the following article, Taylor Meredith, saw that happening with her students. After reading John Hattie's & Dylan Wiliam's work, Ms. Meredith changed her method completely. She learned that relationships with students were the key for student feedback. Excellent article and well worth your time.
Starting Student Feedback Loops. Taylor Meredith. 5.16.15. edutopia
Starting Student Feedback Loops. Taylor Meredith. 5.16.15. edutopia
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Field Trips - One Teacher's Excellent Ideas
Amanda Wall has taken many of her students on overnight trips. She shares 6 of her lessons as examples for you to see how field trips are worth the preparation and lead to more in-depth learning. Ms. Wall offers 6 tips for successful academic field trips that you could yourself in planning class trips.
6 Tips to Boost Learning on Class Field Trips. Amanda Wall. 4.29.13. MiddleWeb, featured in Stenhouse Newslinks. 5.15.15
6 Tips to Boost Learning on Class Field Trips. Amanda Wall. 4.29.13. MiddleWeb, featured in Stenhouse Newslinks. 5.15.15
Common Core Math - We Need to Learn Along With Our Students
The new math is a huge change from the way teachers have taught in the past. Memorization, calculation, and procedures are no longer the "end-all." What is required is inquiry, communication, connections, and visual ideas. Author, Jo Boaler says, "We need students who can ask good questions, map our pathways, reason about complex solutions, set up models and communicate in different forms." Read this article to better understand what Common Core math standards is all about.
Memorizers are the lowest achievers and other Common Core math surprises. Jo Boaler. 5.7.15. The Hechinger Report
Memorizers are the lowest achievers and other Common Core math surprises. Jo Boaler. 5.7.15. The Hechinger Report
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
What Do Preschoolers Need to be a Success Student?
Research has shown for some time that babies and toddlers benefit immensely from words spoken, heard, and tried themselves. However, many low income parents do not provide these essential conversations and their children have a great deal of difficulty when they enter school. The following article points out that if a child is behind in third grade, he/she has a high risk of not finishing high school. We as teachers must do everything we can to engage parents in filling this need. Many parents find this very difficult to do even though they love their child. Often they are not instructed how to help or otherwise their time is spent providing the basic needs for the family.
What Do All Babies Need Yet Aren't Getting Equally, Melissa Fay Greene. October, Reader's Digest.
What Do All Babies Need Yet Aren't Getting Equally, Melissa Fay Greene. October, Reader's Digest.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Use Virtual Field Trips to Enhance Your Curriculum
It is impossible to personally visit many significant sites in the world such as the Louvre, Smithsonian, or Washington D.C. sites. Other sites close to home may be too expensive to finance bus transportation and supervision. Realizing the significance of the digital age, many sites have produced virtual field trips that can add immeasurable information to your students in math, reading, science, and social studies curriculums. Some virtual tours have prepared lessons that you can use. If not, use the Field Trip model shown in the other field trip blog entry that can tailor a lesson to fit your purposes and those of a variety of learners in your class. Read this article for ideas you might use.
Virtual Field Trips Spice Up Learning. Barbara R. Blackburn. 4.26.15. MiddleWeb
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Using Technology Responsibly
In our connected world it is important for teachers and students to respect the power of technology in revealing the character, habits, and opinions of themselves and others. In Facebook, the most visited social media site, we need to understand the consequences of posting items/images that we might regret. Lesson: Think before you post.... Excellent article that everyone should read and consider.
Tech Tip: Can we be people of character in a connected world? Mike Ribble. 4.21.15.
Tech Tip: Can we be people of character in a connected world? Mike Ribble. 4.21.15.
How to Help Kinesthetic Learners
We assume most students learn using auditory/visual systems, yet many students require manipulation and movement. In the early years, most children are physically active and teachers respond to this by providing teaching strategies that require movement and manipulation. Older students may have that kinesthetic tendency so teachers should provide movement, touch, and physical connection. Not only will kinesthetic learners benefit, but so will all learners in the class.
Read this wonderful article for more ideas. Share your experiences in Comments below.
Keeping your classroom moving. Hanptali Hoff. 4.23.15. SmartBlog on Education.
Read this wonderful article for more ideas. Share your experiences in Comments below.
Keeping your classroom moving. Hanptali Hoff. 4.23.15. SmartBlog on Education.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Exit Tickets: What a Great Assessment Tool!
Most teachers use some type of assessment to gauge the effectiveness of their lessons and to discover what their students are learning. Author, Rhonda Stewart, has some excellent examples of exit tools that you can use - on paper and also online. Ms. Stewart offers prompts for students to select and respond. Paper samples are reproducible for you, the reader. Online exit ticket examples are also shown, a tool Ms. Stewart recently discovered. This is an excellent article that should help you with instruction.
Using Exit Tickets as an Assessment Tool. Rhonda Stewart. 3.13.15. Scholastic - Top Teaching Blog
Using Exit Tickets as an Assessment Tool. Rhonda Stewart. 3.13.15. Scholastic - Top Teaching Blog
Thursday, March 12, 2015
A Look at Today's Math Classroom
Math teachers everywhere are making major instructional shifts to fit the challenges of Common Core math. The article below from the Teaching Channel features examples of classrooms engaging in this process. What excitement kids have in these classrooms! Enjoy and see what you can do in your classroom.
What Does Math Look Like in today's Classroom? Gretchen Vierstra. 3/10.15. TeachingChannel - Tchers' Voice
What Does Math Look Like in today's Classroom? Gretchen Vierstra. 3/10.15. TeachingChannel - Tchers' Voice
How Are We Teaching Students to Remember?
We spent a great deal of effort to lesson planning and its execution in class: key vocabulary, important facts, and class discussion followed by testing. Students then perform very well. However, according to our author, Naphtali Hoff, several days later, there is empty silence when the teacher asks a related question. What happened? This is what the following article is about---how to teach retention of important information in the curriculum. Yes, in this digital age, "Googling" is a handy answer, but do we want today's learners to use this crutch all the time? Of course not! Read how you can teach your students how to develop long term memory. Excellent article and not to be missed.
Our readers would love to read your Comments. So please share your thoughts.
Put retention in the plan. Naphtali Hoff. 3.9. 15. SmartBlog on Education - Leadership
Our readers would love to read your Comments. So please share your thoughts.
Put retention in the plan. Naphtali Hoff. 3.9. 15. SmartBlog on Education - Leadership
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Build Trust and Confidence With Your Students
From the land down-under, Australian teacher Emma Waters reflects on the writings of poets, Tao Te Ching and the 14th Century poet Hafiz to see how their words might apply in a 21st Century school classroom. She offers 7 excellent ideas for creating a productive classroom environment which is based on trust and confidence. Excellent.
Why it is important to be a centered (centred) leader. Emma Waters. 3.9.15. Britannica - Digital Learning: Australia
Why it is important to be a centered (centred) leader. Emma Waters. 3.9.15. Britannica - Digital Learning: Australia
Relationship Building Among Teachers & Students of Different Cultures
Positive relations between students and their teachers are a "must" in order for good learning to take place. The first order of business for us as teachers is to 'listen' rather than 'do'. As the author, Jose Vilson so aptly points out, we have a lot on our plates that are action orientated with little time left for listening and reflecting. Mr. Vilson points out 3 essential strategies that are needed to work successfully with culturally and/or racially diverse classrooms. Excellent!
Empowering Educators Through Cultural Competence. Jose Vilson. 3.10.15. edutopia
Empowering Educators Through Cultural Competence. Jose Vilson. 3.10.15. edutopia
Friday, March 6, 2015
Technology to Motivate Struggling Learners
All of us are more apt to learn something when we are motivated to do so. So many struggling readers are presented with the same print media that has proven extremely difficult for them. How great it is if we presented these learners with material that they enjoy and can learn from. That's what this article is about. Read how technology can be a great motivator.
A New Approach to Designing Educational Technology - Is the biggest learning disability an emotional one? Chris Berdik. 3.4.15. Slate
A New Approach to Designing Educational Technology - Is the biggest learning disability an emotional one? Chris Berdik. 3.4.15. Slate
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
How Can We Stimulate a Child's Curiosity?
So often school is about hard work, getting assignments done, and acquiring knowledge. But curious students fare better in careers and life than hard workers. Read this article about the research behind curiosity. The author, Marilyn Price-Mitchell offers 10 ways to stimulate a student's curiosity. We can all be alert to these signals and active steps.
Share your ideas about how you have encouraged curiosity in your students in the Comments section below.
Curiosity: The Force Within a Hungry Mind. Marilyn Price-Mitchell 2.17.15. edutopia
Share your ideas about how you have encouraged curiosity in your students in the Comments section below.
Curiosity: The Force Within a Hungry Mind. Marilyn Price-Mitchell 2.17.15. edutopia
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Ever Have Students Lead Parent Conferences?
This is an idea that some schools have adopted and it has paid off handsomely. Read how one Decatur, Illinois school describes their parent conference experience. Students lead their conferences and keep a notebook of their progress. Beforehand, they practice with fellow students. Very interesting!
Dennis students have hand in teacher-parent conferences. 2.13.15. Valerie Wells.
Dennis students have hand in teacher-parent conferences. 2.13.15. Valerie Wells.
How to Help Your Students Collaborate
Collaboration and communication are essential skills in the world beyond school. Teachers often have difficulty teaching students how to collaborate. Many times some students do all the work while others slack off. Paul Curtis, Director District Development at New Tech Network, is adamant about meaningful student experiences that allow them to succeed in their chosen life after school. He models and discusses his "Group Contract" where students commit to certain tasks. It will take time for students to collaborate effectively but the structure is in place.
Easing the Pain of Student Collaboration. Paul Curtis. 2.17.15 (originally published 3.26.14). Tch Teaching Channel
Easing the Pain of Student Collaboration. Paul Curtis. 2.17.15 (originally published 3.26.14). Tch Teaching Channel
How to Teach Social Media Use for School
Social media is all around us. We use it. Families use it and so do our students, in school and on their own time. But do our students understand their role and what it takes to be responsible social media users?
This is an important article, one that you should not miss. Read how Mary Beth Hertz, a technology teacher in Philadelphia, uses this theme throughout her course working with kids so that they understand how to use social media responsibly, ethically, and safely. Please share your reflections after reading the article.
Social Media at School: Teaching Safety on the Virtual Playground. Mary Beth Hertz. 2.13.15.
This is an important article, one that you should not miss. Read how Mary Beth Hertz, a technology teacher in Philadelphia, uses this theme throughout her course working with kids so that they understand how to use social media responsibly, ethically, and safely. Please share your reflections after reading the article.
Social Media at School: Teaching Safety on the Virtual Playground. Mary Beth Hertz. 2.13.15.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Learning Math Facts Isn't About Memorization & Drill
We all have had students who have had difficulty learning basic math facts and that has caused them untold difficulties and anxiety about math in general. Would you be surprised to learn that some important mathematicians aren't good either? One example is the famous French mathematician, Laurent Schwartz, who said he felt stupid in school and was one of the slowest math thinkers in his class.
Researchers have changed the concept of math fluency and it isn't about speed and timed tests. Read how students should go about solving math problems and enjoy it! Not to be missed.
Students most effectively learn math working on problems that they enjoy, not drills or exercises. Clifton B. Parker. 01.30.15. PHYS.ORG
Researchers have changed the concept of math fluency and it isn't about speed and timed tests. Read how students should go about solving math problems and enjoy it! Not to be missed.
Students most effectively learn math working on problems that they enjoy, not drills or exercises. Clifton B. Parker. 01.30.15. PHYS.ORG
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Do Web Tools Interfere with Collaborative Learning?
Raleigh Werberger writes about using old-school strategies to help his students understand how dependent they have become using Edtech tools to learn and collaborate. I especially liked the section about the power of Post-it Notes and what he asked the students to do with them. Excellent and I highly recommend the following article to all teachers, tech savvy or not.
Using Old Tech ( Not Edtech ) to Teach Thinking Skills. Raleigh Werberger. 01.28.15. Edutopia
Using Old Tech ( Not Edtech ) to Teach Thinking Skills. Raleigh Werberger. 01.28.15. Edutopia
Are YOUR Behaviors Affecting CLASSROOM Behavior?
Check this article out. If you have perfect control of your students at all times, then this post is not for you. However, if you're like most of us, we do slip into behaviors that are disruptive. Here's a list of behaviors you need to avoid. You'll be surprised what a difference that can make.
10 Ways to Sabotage Your Classroom Management. Jennifer Gonzalez. 11.12.14. Middle Web.
10 Ways to Sabotage Your Classroom Management. Jennifer Gonzalez. 11.12.14. Middle Web.
How to Avoid becoming App-a-holics
This post describes issues that schools face with abundant technology resources for teachers and students. However, for schools beginning to provide technology options for teachers and students, this post will help in the planning stage. In some schools the technology demands are overwhelming, not only to teachers but to students. Read how the author and his partner developed a plan that narrowed down the technology and established 5 parameters for the apps they were allowed to adopt for teachers and for students. This is excellent advice for us all.
Whose in Control? Minimalism in the Modern Learning Classroom. William Tolley. 01.29.15. CTQ Center for Teaching Quality
Whose in Control? Minimalism in the Modern Learning Classroom. William Tolley. 01.29.15. CTQ Center for Teaching Quality
Friday, January 30, 2015
Brain Science Helps Explain Some Struggling Readers
There are multiple reasons why people, young and old, are struggling readers. I'm sure you can name some of these people. I do have some issue with the word "struggling" which to me infers that there is a "battle" or at least a serious, unsuccessful attempt to improve. Many adult dyslectics have discovered other means to learn and communicate and yet have successful lives. Think of the late Steve Jobs, as one example.
However, in education we have teachers and instructional leaders who can help struggling readers while they are still young. As you read the following article you'll understand more about our brains work in the reading process. Brain science helps educators not only to understand but to help retrain brains so that students who struggle can become successful readers.
Inside the brain of a struggling reader. Martha Burns. 02.2015 issue. DA District Administration.
However, in education we have teachers and instructional leaders who can help struggling readers while they are still young. As you read the following article you'll understand more about our brains work in the reading process. Brain science helps educators not only to understand but to help retrain brains so that students who struggle can become successful readers.
Inside the brain of a struggling reader. Martha Burns. 02.2015 issue. DA District Administration.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Glued to Technology? What Could Happen?
So many people are glued to technology - smartphones, tablets, and computers. We socialize using these devices through texting, tweeting, and Facebook pages. What can happen in school when technology-dependent teens need to have face-to-face conversations? According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America over 15 million Americans have social anxiety disorder. Not just in school but people with this disorder are suffering in other public places.
Please read this is important. There is help available.
A New Kind of Social Anxiety in the Classroom. Alexandra Ossola. 1.14.15. The Atlantic
Please read this is important. There is help available.
A New Kind of Social Anxiety in the Classroom. Alexandra Ossola. 1.14.15. The Atlantic
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Is Your Technology Broadening Students' Learning?
Most of us will answer that question with a resounding, "Yes, of course! We've gone through the training and the kids are really engaged." This article poses 6 questions that perhaps you have not considered, but assumed was occurring because the students were so engaged. Please read for interesting insight into what we want the technology to do but the result falls short. The author, Alan November, asks, " Think your school is innovative with tech? Answer these questions and prepare to reassess."
These 6 questions determine if you're technology rich, innovation poor. Alan November. 1.13.20. eSchool News
These 6 questions determine if you're technology rich, innovation poor. Alan November. 1.13.20. eSchool News
Monday, January 12, 2015
Connected Learning Through Game Playing
Game-related activity can be the container for all curricular content in most units of study. This article focuses on a New York city middle school called Quest because it is a school for digital kids. It is founded on concepts from the Institute of Play, either hands-on or digital. .
Students using games do exhibit innovative ideas, collaboration, critical thinking, and other 21st Century skill important in today's classes.
A quest for a different learning model: Playing games in school. Mary Talbot. 01.09.15. The Hechinger Report
Students using games do exhibit innovative ideas, collaboration, critical thinking, and other 21st Century skill important in today's classes.
A quest for a different learning model: Playing games in school. Mary Talbot. 01.09.15. The Hechinger Report
New Life for Boring Powerpoint
We all know that when Powerpoint first came out it was the most wonderful tool in giving "speeches" or presenting reports by students. Now, however, there are many new cool enhancements that will give you and your students new ideas that certainly will not be boring. Be sure not to miss this article that will tell you all about it.
4 Tips to Breathe New Life into Your PowerPoint Presentations. Vicki Davis. 01.08.15. EdTech Focus on K-12
4 Tips to Breathe New Life into Your PowerPoint Presentations. Vicki Davis. 01.08.15. EdTech Focus on K-12
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Are Your Students Learning as if You Didn't Exist?
If you answered "Yes" to the title of this post, then you can skip this article. Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD has conceived a wonderful framework for understanding what kids need to become self-sufficient and life-long learners. Teachers, along with other caring adults can change lives. Read this article and view her graphic of necessary pathways to achieve success.
8 Pathways to Every Student's Success. Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD. 01.07.15. Edutopia
We all try some or all of these pathways. How are they working for you. Share your thoughts with other teachers in Comments below.
8 Pathways to Every Student's Success. Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD. 01.07.15. Edutopia
We all try some or all of these pathways. How are they working for you. Share your thoughts with other teachers in Comments below.
Friday, January 9, 2015
Use Technology to Collaborate with other Schools
Certainly it's not impossible to collaborate with others these days with technology to connect with students elsewhere. Read how one class paired up with another class in another school district and learned both positives and negatives about the project. There were problems, of course, and the students agreed that problem-solving was part of the process. They would do it again for sure. An extra bonus for this class is that they got to meet their collaborative partners on a joint field trip.
West Stanley Middle School students team with Cabarrus class. Shannon Beamon. 01.06.15. The Stanley News & Press.
West Stanley Middle School students team with Cabarrus class. Shannon Beamon. 01.06.15. The Stanley News & Press.
Got an Old Typewriter?
Yes, I certainly do remember typewriters. My masters research paper was typed on one with carbon copies and countless other papers for school classes. Here in 2015, what value are they if you still have any laying around? This interesting story about a first grade teacher gathered enough old typewrites from garage sales and eBay for her class. Why? Guess I better let you read her story. Could be you'll be looking in garage sales too.
Old school: Kirkland first-graders are using typewriters every day. Rachel Belle, Ron & Don Show Reporter. 01.08.15.
Old school: Kirkland first-graders are using typewriters every day. Rachel Belle, Ron & Don Show Reporter. 01.08.15.
What Can Increase Student Reading?
As predicted, more and more students are opting out of reading for pleasure in favor of other pastimes - mostly digital distractions, games & TV. But what can encourage them to read books for fun? Turns out that reading aloud to children by teachers and parents interest children in reading books independently.
Study Finds Reading to Children of All Ages Grooms Them to Read More on Their Own. Motoko Rich. 01.08.15. New York Times
Study Finds Reading to Children of All Ages Grooms Them to Read More on Their Own. Motoko Rich. 01.08.15. New York Times
What Your Words Can Mean to Your Students
The author of this insightful article, says it all in her first sentence recalling a familiar saying, "Sticks and stones can hurt my bones, but names can never hurt me." Because of her own experience in school, Cheryl Mizerny is very aware that the language she uses in class can either uplift or destroy. Sometimes it takes only one teacher to acknowledge and support supports, even in casual conversations. We'll never know how we truly affect our students in the long run but each day our words do make a difference in their lives. Any stories you'd like to share with our readers? Please use the Comments section below.
I am my words. Cheryl Mizerny. 12.4.14. SmartBlog on Education
I am my words. Cheryl Mizerny. 12.4.14. SmartBlog on Education
IMPORTANT: Help Students Find Copyright-Free Images
Many students have no idea that many photos have copyrights that prevent them from using them in other contexts, such as school reports. It is essential that this topic be taught in school. Good news... There is a new way to find licensed images using search engines, Google and Flickr. It is also important that students learn that images are not the only copyrighted items - so are music, video and other multimedia. Creative Commons helps locate them on their website..... Please read the following article for more explanation.
Finding Copyright-friendly photos for the Goggle Images generation. News Staff. 01.06.15 eClassroomNews
Finding Copyright-friendly photos for the Goggle Images generation. News Staff. 01.06.15 eClassroomNews
Monday, January 5, 2015
Have 'Gumption' - Move Forward to Excellence
For teachers as well as manyothers, this is the time of year where we reflect and look forward to a year better than last year. How to we do this? With 'gumption' declares Vicki Davis, author of today's article. Little steps are fine but big steps require gumption. What are her recommended steps to make this year a one of greatness? Each of her steps are explained carefully but they require you to go forth with gumption in order to make a difference.
3 Steps to Make 2015 Epic. Vicki Davis. 01.02.15. edutopia
- Learn From Mistakes and Move On Smarter
- Set Audacious goals
- Make Epic Memories
3 Steps to Make 2015 Epic. Vicki Davis. 01.02.15. edutopia
Benefits & Growing Popularity of Personalized Learning
In the Summit Public Schools in California, teachers do not teach lessons at all. Instead, students use semi-autonomous guides relating to a syllabus; the teachers are available to help when asked. Teachers also lead group discussions or manage group projects devoting time to do what an automated system can't do easily. Students set their own goals and use a personalized dashboard. The system provides regular feedback to the student & teacher. Systems like this are growing across the country. Results are showing gains in achievement, especially in math. But even more importantly, students are in charge of their own learning and are much more motivated.
The reading program mentioned in the article is Curriculet.
Personalised learning lets children study at their own pace. Hal Hodson. 01.02.15. NewScientist - Tech
The reading program mentioned in the article is Curriculet.
Personalised learning lets children study at their own pace. Hal Hodson. 01.02.15. NewScientist - Tech
Project Based Learning - An Amazing Collaboration!
This small group of high schoolers who had experience with robotics teamed up with a local university to do cancer research. What an amazing partnership! We promote project-based learning in the real world and this one certainly is a true winner. Read how these juniors and seniors collaborated regularly with university staff using Skype and produced excellent results!
While your high schoolers are not apt to engage is such ground-breaking studies, it is a fine example of engaged kids doing something extremely meaningful. Guess we don't have to worry about these students ever finding a job.
Dawson High students pursue cancer breakthroughs with school project. Kieran Nicholson. 12.28.14. The Denver Post
While your high schoolers are not apt to engage is such ground-breaking studies, it is a fine example of engaged kids doing something extremely meaningful. Guess we don't have to worry about these students ever finding a job.
Dawson High students pursue cancer breakthroughs with school project. Kieran Nicholson. 12.28.14. The Denver Post
Saturday, January 3, 2015
The Psychology of Middle School Students
While not strategic in nature, this article is pre-requisite for middle school teachers who have never taught this age group or have never had children their own at this age. It is really important to understand the thinking behind the kids at this vulnerable, changing age. Effective teaching will depend on your understanding. So learn, remember, and chuckle!
8 Things I Know for Sure about Middle School Kids. Jenniver Gonzalez. 12.28.14. Middle Web
Anything else you'd like to add? After reading the article, share your thoughts in the Comment section below.
8 Things I Know for Sure about Middle School Kids. Jenniver Gonzalez. 12.28.14. Middle Web
Anything else you'd like to add? After reading the article, share your thoughts in the Comment section below.
Vocabulary Tips from Dr. Marzano
The following tips are listed from Dr. Marzano's book Vocabulary Games for the Classroom by Linday Carleton and Robert J. Marzano, 2010. Each are summarized briefly in this article but expanded more fully in the book. The list is long and your questions aren't answered here. Please read the article.
Tips From Dr. Marzano - Vocabulary Games for the Classroom. 12.14. Marzano Research
- Use data from student responses during game play to guide a three-step process of direct vocabulary instruction. The three-step process helps teachers apply direct instruction postgame to improve student understanding of specific terms.
- The first two steps of the three-step process involve (1) identifying difficult vocabulary terms and (2) clarifying their definitions
- The last step of the three-step process involves students amending previous entries of a vocabulary notebook—a space for students to track understanding of specific terms as definitions are learned and expanded upon.
- To be effective, vocabulary games should be based on relevant topics that students understand.
- When creating new vocabulary games, each game should be constructed into five categories.
- Classroom games can be adapted for younger students in the following ways:
- Ideally, after each game is played, students should review the terms in their vocabulary notebooks that were addressed in the games.
- Only teachers know their class well enough to decide how much competition is appropriate.
- Teachers should identify what students know and do not know about the difficult terms.
- There is an effective six-step process for teaching new terms.
- Direct vocabulary instruction is fundamental to effective teaching.
- Note: Data collected as far back as 1941 indicates there is roughly a 6,000-word gap between students at the 25th and 50th percentiles on standardized test in grades 4–12.
Teachers: Time to Relect on What's Most Important
This wonderful article by Sarah Brown Wessling, teacher of the year in 2010 and Teacher Laureate for the Teaching Channel has reposted this article about reflecting about what's important in teaching. Very insightful and worthwhile your time in reading and reflecting. Here are her 3 main questions for reflection...
Teachers: Three Questions for Reflection. Sarah Brown Wessling. written 11.21.13 and posted 01.03.15. TCH Teaching Channel
- What are the three things that make a successful teacher?
- What are the three things that make a successful learner?
- What has been the hardest thing you've faced as a teacher and how did you deal with it?
Teachers: Three Questions for Reflection. Sarah Brown Wessling. written 11.21.13 and posted 01.03.15. TCH Teaching Channel
Changing Your Mindset
What kind of teacher will you be in 2015? Now is the time most people make resolutions that they will not keep very long, if at all. Deidra Gammill, blogger for CTQ (Center for Teaching Quality) reflected this New Year's and decided that changing her mindset will make the most difference to her students. Read her entry. We might all learn something. I know I have. Please share your thoughts in the Comment section below.
I Don't Want New Resolutions for 2015; I Want a New Mindset. 01/01/2015. CTQ- Center for Teaching Quality
I Don't Want New Resolutions for 2015; I Want a New Mindset. 01/01/2015. CTQ- Center for Teaching Quality
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