Mike Bock takes the view that all technology will break down but that we must be tolerant. I like this quote from him, "When our cars break down, we don’t immediately get back on horses. And we don’t teach horseback riding in school. When technology breaks down, we fix it and move on."
An important part of his message is so typical of teachers' mindset.....we think we have to teach everything and then add tech on top of that. Examine your own attitudes toward your first experiences with technology....Your first computer... Your first experience with Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.......Your first try at internet browsing. See how much you have learned since then! Now think of your Title I kids. What can they learn if we stay out of it and just "let them be?"
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Q & A: Quest for ‘Digital Wisdom’ Hinges on Brains
and Machines. Mike Bock. 9.28.12. Education Week