Friday, September 14, 2012

Global Awareness - How Are Our Students Doing?

This study by World Savvy measured high-school graduates', aged 18-24, competency of world knowledge.  This quote from William Gaudell, of Columbia University concludes that...
..."the work that remains to be done in terms of preparing young people for the global future they are inheriting. The US can no longer be satisfied with an education that is not world class both in character and caliber. The time to reorient our focus is upon us."
World Savvy: 2012 Global Competency Survey    (available download pdf )

Erick Robelson, blogger for Education Week - Curriculum Matters expands on future implications of the lack of world knowledge in high school graduates.  He notes that students themselves wished they would have had more opportunities to discuss world events and spend more time taking foreign languages.  Some students, did say that teachers tried to incorcorate a more global approach in their classes.
LEX, Title I has global awareness as one of the 21st Century Skills we are trying to cultivate with our students.  Is this a difficult "add-on" to an already crowded curriculum in our 2 hours per week?  Given our access to more technology available to us, how can we incorporate global happenings in our everyday lessons?  Is it possible?
Comments please.

David Who?  Survey Finds Young Adults Lack World Knowledge. Erik Robelsen. 9.12.12. Education Week - Curriculum Matters

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